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I like the first picture, but pinks aren't me. However I would love a desk like the last picture near a window of a nice view of a park or a wooded area. Now that's romantic for me :) I love writing as well there's a nice feel to it, especially if you're going real vintage and decide to use the quill pen with ink. Lovely post you have here thanks for sharing!

Misti of Studio M Designs

I use my beautiful writing desk everyday! Smooth, dark mahogany- curved harp-shaped legs...just my favorite piece in the house. These are great photos!

Mrs. Petrie

I love how open and airy these offices are. I wonder if you'd get any work done in them? ;)


Oh My Gosh, I love them all! Esp. the fist one because my fave color is pink )
I need to change my writing desk to a more cuter one, and maybe will get a pink chair, lol.

Fifi Flowers

I could not move passed that first photo! FAB FAB FAB!!!

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